Winning Service
Winning Service is a function of:
What is needed?
Can I create a connection?
Can I better say what I mean?
How can we support each other?
Success doesn’t live in what we do per se, but in how we do it.
You are in the hospitality/solutions/dream business (You help businesses thrive).
See the big picture:
Apple says, we don’t fix computers, we build relationships.
Hire based on attitude.
What leads to success?
Being Fearless.
Seeing the Big Picture.
Expressing Positivity.
Communication between employees.
It’s more likely that you will under-communicate than over-communicate.
With customers, sell the benefits, not the features.
The answer is always “yes.”
The customer is never wrong.
Leverage new media to provide access.
Creating Relationships
They key is to develop emotional connections with other employees and customers. Start by asking.
Why? It’s the right thing to do.
Be transparent, open and honest with everyone.
Be customer focused rather task focused.
Demonstrate your commitment.
Company Culture
Clearly defined company core values.
Find your motivations.
Support each other.
Give everyone a voice.
The quality of work life matters.
Integrity and trust are key.
Give back.
Non-negotiable standards.
With the customers
Know what customers think and act on it.
Net promoter score.
With the company
Are employees happy?
Feedback needs to happen between all levels of staff.
Allow front-line employees to give feedback of upper management.
The Experience
“You can say what you want about who (you think) you are but people believe what they experience.”
John Mackey
Experiential Actions.
Customer’s experience journey.
Service Aptitude.
Knowledgeable staff.
Unprofessional Conversations.
Smile, Greet, Repeat.
The Experience
Consistency and continuity:
Select new ideas and stick with them.
Apply slowly.
Classify new ideas for priority.
Have a plan.
Partners learn how to cultivate willpower to help them keep their personal issues at home during their eight hour shifts.
The teach reading and anticipating customers.
“Being considerate is less about being polite and more about being mindful of the needs of others while creating win/win situations. It should empower you to act in ways that consider the needs of others.”
“The Starbucks Experience” by Joesph Michelli
Five Ways of Being
Be Welcoming.
Be Genuine.
Be Considerate.
Be Knowledgeable.
Be Involved.
They want customers to feel “wowed.”
Happiness is a business model that equals productivity.
They use low-cost ways to impart/empower (in face they compel employees to have fun and reduce their stress). This is a cultural mandate.
They believe when you exceed expectations, make things effortless, and make an emotionless connection, it creates loyalty.
“The Zappos Experience” by Joesph Michelli
Emphasizing Velocity.
Increasing staff members knowledge of products and service recovery.
Delivering surprise beyond the predicted and normative.
Three pillars of enchantment.
Likeability + Trustworthiness + Quality
Nice is greater than smart:
They’d rather hire applicants with 10% knowledge and 90% passion.
Their Role/Goal is to enrich lives.
“I just had an amazing experience. I can’t wait to go home and get started.” (Read: They want to reach people’s hearts, not sell stuff).
“The Apple Experience” by Carmine Gallo
Five Steps of Service
Approach customers with a personalized, warm welcome.
Probe politely to understand all the customer’s needs.
Present a solution for the customer to take home today.
Listen for and resolve any issues or concern.
End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.
The Ritz-Carlton:
Employees are not hired. They’re selected.
New employees receive 250 hours of training in first year.
Sharing “Wow” stories and lateral service training.
Anticipating unstated needs is the goal of every employee.
“The New Gold Standard” by Joseph Michelli
Rules for salvaging a bad experience
Share genuine reaction to the distress.
Offer appropriate apologies.
Assure person you will take care of the issue.
Individually, see that the problem is taken care of.
Go a step further to demonstrate that you want to compensate.